Back in 2021, when I first came across Kafka, I remember the DevOps engineer in my team using terms like Zookeeper, broker configs, etc on our team standup calls. I remember not caring about those terms, and simply focusing on learning about the producer, partitions, topics and consumer groups, and how they could be used in the product my team was developing. While platforms like Kafka were built to abstract certain aspects of distributed computing (replication, consistency) while storing & processing logs, it's a pity how so many of us miss out on knowing the amazing engineering that went behind to build the different parts of a platform such as this one. 4 years later, I'm hungry enough to reverse engineer one of my favourite distributed platforms - Kafka! What did the Zookeeper do? To quote the 1st Kafka paper from 2011, Kafka uses Zookeeper for the following tasks: (1) detecting the addition and the removal of brokers and consumers, (2) triggering a rebalance ...
Welcome back! Let's continue this guide with other setup essentials for i3. Enabling Mousetap Chances are that if you're using a laptop, then tapping on the mousepad does not equal a click for you. You need to enable tapping in your config. Fortunately, there is one documentation available that works for majority of the setups. I don't need to explain this one in detail. Here you go: Enable tap to click in i3 . Volume Control This one is simple again. Do you remember the i3 config file I talked about in the previous blog ? All you need to do is go to that file and find the line: bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume Just below that line you will find lines with XF86AudioLowerVolume and XF86AudioMute too. Anyway, the truth is, there are 2 sets of lines with these keywords. Chances are that the line: bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl -- set-sink-volume 0 +5% Will be uncommented and the line: bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl -- set-sink vo...